
Jun 14, 2024 I was invited to give a talk on my PhD work at a EuroProofNet workshop on Proof Systems for Mathematics and Verification at EPFL. Great event, thank you very much to the organisers for hosting and the invitation!
Jun 05, 2024 I’ve been officially approved for my PhD degree, following approval of minor corrections and final submission.
Apr 18, 2024 I’ve been selected as a participant for the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum in September this year. Looking forward to sharing more about the event later in the year.
Apr 14, 2024 This website is finally up and running!
Jan 24, 2024 I passed my PhD viva with minor corrections! :sparkles: :smile:
Oct 15, 2023 I have started a new job as a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield.